
Welcome to the training documentation portion of my portfolio. I have completed live and remote training for hundreds of individuals across various roles (e.g. networking, customer service, sales, project management). While delivery is critical for any training program, one cannot forget documentation.

Project Overview

Assembling a full-fledged training plan is no easy feat. Documentation has helped as it allows one to provide information to employees and collect data. A plan is dynamic, especially as a business operation’s needs are ever-evolving. A training plan provides the required structure to maintain standardization across the organization. An extension of this is the follow-up stage which evaluates an employee’s resulting training experience. Without the groundwork provided by a solid training program, an organization may see detrimental impacts within their operations.

Content Organization

Training Plan

This document features a scaleable employee training plan template. It is a framework that supports the application of any subject matter. Its simplicity benefits trainers and employees alike. The first section collects employee information, while the second uses a modular approach for transparency.

Employee Training Evaluation Profile

This document features an employee training evaluation profile. At first glance, one may think that the feedback is unidirectional, from the trainer to the employee. What is also important to consider is that building a profile allows us to identify possible trends inferred from observations made during training. For example, perhaps one has seen a common weakness in understanding an application for the past ten employees. This behaviour could indicate that the training delivery style or method needs to be re-worked. This evaluation exercise is beneficial as it ensures a training plan evolves in a positive direction with the needs of the business.

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