
This recipe will help you cook two portions of shrimp fried rice. It is referenced from an Instagram video titled “How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice” by @chefchrischo.

Table of Contents


Cooking Equipment

  1. Stove
  2. Large frying pan
  3. Ladle
  4. Bowls: two will be used for serving, one to hold food items.
  5. Measuring spoons


  1. Cold rice: two cups
    • Note: It is best to cook this the night before to ensure your rice is not moist and fries consistently.
  2. Chopped carrots: 50 grams
  3. Chopped onions: 50 grams
  4. Shrimp: fresh or thawed from frozen, 150 grams
  5. Eggs: two
  6. Sesame oil
  7. Soy sauce
  8. Minced garlic
  9. Chopped scallions
  10. Salt
  11. Pepper
  12. Butter

Cooking Process

Duration: Approximately 15 minutes

  1. Begin by adding a splash of sesame oil to a pan. Use medium heat.
  2. Once the pan is hot, break two eggs into the pan and scramble them.
  3. Put the cooked eggs in a bowl to the side.
  4. Add a splash of oil to the pan along with a 1/2 tablespoon of garlic and three tablespoons of scallions.
  5. Add shrimp.
  6. Once shrimp is cooked about 80%, add onions and carrots.
  7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Add one tablespoon of butter into the pan.
  9. Add rice into the pan.
  10. Add one tablespoon of soy sauce and 1/2 a tablespoon of sesame oil to the rice.
  11. Break up rice.
  12. Add cooked eggs back to the pan.
  13. Mix rice to ensure even distribution of ingredients.
  14. Serve!
Photo by Ricardo Esquivel on Pexels.com
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