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Crowrite - Final Project for CS50xπŸ”—

Crowrite is a Flask application that assists Technical Writers with their day-to-day tasks. I created this application as my final project for Harvard CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science course. The name "Crowrite" combines my love for birds and writing, and I think it sounds neat 😎.

In a nutshell, here's how I built it:

  • Jinja for templates and various Bootstrap components
  • sqlite3 database to contain usernames and hashed passwords
  • API call to display a random bird picture on the home page for authenticated users
  • API call to retrieve definitions for user-submitted words
  • Beautiful Soup to parse a user-submitted webpage's HTML structure and extract all headings to create a summary
  • Beautiful Soup to parse an Atom feed's XML structure to extract monthly newsletter titles, published timestamps, and content links

Demo VideoπŸ”—

Check out my demo!