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Here, you'll find posts about all the cool things I've been learning on my never-ending journey to becoming a great Technical Writer.

Person looking at a webpage

My First Mermaid Diagram

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost three months since my July 5th post where I first talked about the magic of Mermaid. I’ve finally taken a stab at creating my own diagram. I based it on the swimlane diagram I originally developed for my Business Operation Process sample. However, I learned that Mermaid doesn’t support swimlane diagrams. In fact, you can refer to open GitHub issue #2028 to see the ever-growing list and demand to add swimlane functionality.

Since swimlanes are crucial for showing the transfer of information between five departments in my case, I opted for a sequence diagram. I figured this would at least show the interaction between different parties.

Want to check it out? Click here to see it in action in my SOP!

A Learning Moment

When I originally added a Google tag to my mkdocs.yml file, I thought everything was fine and dandy. After reading the docs, I added the string G-XXXXXXXXXX, and away I went. But later, I realized I should be protecting the tag by using an environment variable. So, I removed it and forgot about it for a while.

I did it! I completed CS50!

CS50 is Harvard's Introduction to Computer Science course. I first heard about it in 2020 during the pandemic lockdowns when there wasn't much to do at home. I tried taking the course then but didn't fully commit. I lost interest after the first week, mainly because I didn't have a good reason to learn computer science other than boredom.

Migrating from Wordpress

It's been almost one week since I decided to move away from WordPress and onto a static site generator. I started my journey with Docusaurus and then stumbled upon MkDocs. I'm still unsure which generator I'll actually stick with, as I still have much to learn before making that decision. I do like that MkDocs supports Jinja.

All I know is that both Docusaurus and MkDocs are much better than WordPress 🤭 (for my portfolio, I mean—no disrespect to WordPress 😬).

Important Lessons

Today, I learned how finnicky YAML is when it comes to indentations. One wrong move and nothing works. It turns out I needed to change my indentation levels to get various plugins to work on my site.